Adaptive Service Management: Active Alerts |
The Active Alerts page displays the list of active alerts triggered by the Consumable Alert Definitions and by Service Alerts grouped by Devices. By default, when the page first loads, only the alerts triggered today are shown (field Triggered under Filter events has value 'Today' selected).
The page may only be accessed by Administrators and Admin Dealers Users with appropriate Admin Features access from the main menu: Alerts / View Active Alerts.
This page displays a list of filtered devices with their applicable status and
overview information as it pertains to the triggered action. Links on this page
provide access to the applicable account, parent
account or alerts pages. To view the device's
Embedded Web Page, click on it's IP address. Figure 1: Consumable Alerts tab active. Filter devices: Section (1) Allows you to select values for filtering the devices.
The options include: Filter alerts: Section (2) Allows you to
select values for filtering the active events. The options include: Notes:
Account selector: Section (3): The combobox allows the user to select the account
contianing the devices and a check box for filtering the child accounts or not. Table filters:s: Section (4): After typing
a value, click on the Device headings: Section (5) This lines contains
information about devices: Device events: Section (6) By expanding one
(or all) of the rows shown in lines 5, the user can inspect the events that have
occurred for each device (according to the filter in Section 3). The user can see:
Alert type tabs: Section (7) This tab allows the user to switch between Consumable
Alerts and Service Alerts (see figure bellow). Dismiss alerts: Section (8) This area contains controls for dismissing selected
alerts. Figure 2: Service Alerts tab active. Please note that Service Alerts tab looks similar with Consumable Alerts except that dismissing alerts doesn't contain a
field for specifying the threshold for consumable level above which the consumable is considered replaced and for
filtering alerts (section 2) the filter allows the user to specify the events that triggers the alerts (Low Paper, No
paper etc.). Notes:
Copyright © 2008 FMAudit, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Please note that this section looks different for Service Alerts tab (see figure bellow).
icon to display
a popup menu with the applicable filters according to the data types for their respective
Displaying the information in this page can take several minutes, depending on the amount of data
requested. To reduce loading times, consider narrowing the filter criteria for both devices and events.